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The Human Body System

Prepared by Jack Urso, Technology Integrationist for the Virtual Learning Training Center.

UPDATE 27 October 2020: SPECIAL SHOUT OUT Goes to Payton Miller for suggesting the very informative Derm Review article on The Human Body: Skin Biology and Structure. ( Thanks for helping keep the site up-to-date Payton!

UPDATE 6 March 2019: SPECIAL SHOUT OUT Goes to Bella Edward for suggesting the University of Southern California's excellent web page resource on The Parts of the Endocrine System ( Extra Credit for Bella!

UPDATE 7 February 2018: SPECIAL SHOUT OUT Goes to Sarah Fox and her ESL class for suggesting Bradley University's Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body (

UPDATE 16 April 2017: SPECIAL SHOUT OUT Goes to Ava Barnes for suggesting A Guide to Human Anatomy ( A comprehensive set of links to the major body systems.

UPDATE 19 November 2016: SPECIAL SHOUT OUT Goes to Dakota Lowe for suggesting the Kids' Guide to Human Body Systems! ( An excellent place to start - Special thanks to Dakota Lowe for suggesting this site!

UPDATE 10 April 2013: SPECIAL SHOUT OUT Goes to Karen Sullivan's Pathway to Empowerment After School Program who have been using the resources on this web page in their studies. In fact, they have added a very interesting new topic, Boogers - The role they play in our respiratory system:

Booger from Revenge of the Nerds

Thank you everyone for your contribution! - Jack Urso

Task: Working with your group prepare a report on a human body system. Each student in the group will write about a different part of the system assigned.

Objective: Upon completion of this assignment students will be able to: Explain the function and components of a major human body system in a report using correct grammar and punctuation. Work in a small group on a common project requiring a division of responsibilities among the participants.

New York State Learning Standards Addressed:

Mathematics, Science, and Technology Standard 2: Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.

English Language Arts Standard 1: Students will listen, speak, read and write for information and understanding.


Follow these links to web sites on the Internet with information for your report. (click on Body and Health) (click on BodyQuest)


These links can help get you started on specific areas:

Circulatory System:


Respiratory System:


Lymphatic System:


Endocrine System:


Nervous System: