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Math Online

Below are links to on-line math lessons for students in grades 6 to 8. Not all lessons have an interactive component, but most do. These lessons use interactive games and exercises, so your browser needs to be Java-enabled (Java is a computer language that allows you to interact with your Internet browser). Click on a link and you will go to a site which will provide directions on how to use the math game. PLEASE BE PATIENT when the web page is downloading the Java-applet. Depending on the connection of your computer it may take some time for it to download.

Middle School Level:

The Product Game

The Factor Game

Analyzing Numeric and Geometric Patterns of Paper Pool

Simulating Probability Situations Using Box Models

Exploring Histograms

Learning about Multiplication Using Dynamic Sketches of an Area Model

Learning about Rate of Change in Linear Functions Using Interactive Graphs

Learning about Length, Perimeter, Area, and Volume of Similar Objects Using Interactive Figures

Understanding Congruence, Similarity, and Symmetry Using Transformations and Interactive Figures

Understanding the Pythagorean Relationship Using Interactive Figures

Comparing Properties of the Mean and the Median through the Use of Technology

Maths : A collection of online and interactive lessons in the number system, algebra, geometry, data collection and probability exercises. Lessons and exercises appear in the left column, tests in the right column.

High School Level:

Math Goodies: Interactive lessons and exercises in the following areas; Introduction to Statistics, Topics in Pre-Algebra, Probability, Integers, Understanding Percent, Number Theory, Circumference & Area of Circles, and Perimeter & Area of Polygons.

Interactive Algebra

Interactive Math Links: Exercises in algebra, geometry, trig/pre-calc, calculus, statistics, SOL /SAT Prep and more!

Math: Foundations: A collection of online and interactive lessons in decimals, fractions, geometry, data collection and probability.

Math: Higher Operations: Higher level lessons and exercises in algebra, geometry, data collection and probability. Lessons and exercises appear in the left column, tests in the right column.

Math: Advanced Operations: Quadratics, coordinate geometry, trig, mechanics and probability exercises, are you ready?

Note to teachers: The exercises in Middles School Maths and High School Math Foundations, Higher Operations and Advanced Operations were designed for the United Kingdom's educational system. Main site with more information available here.