This website provides information on my various projects as
a writer/reporter, editor, and audio producer:
As a communications and media relations specialist I provide PR
support to companies in the power and utility, microelectronics,
and defense information industries.
As a writer, reporter, and editor my areas of specialty include
the arts, business, the defense industry and military weapon systems, power and utilities, and the recreational boating industries.
As an audio producer I have produced news and documentary items
on a variety of topics including defense news, corporate presentations,
politics, the arts, historical profiles, and human interest.
I also design and create webpages and website content and have
worked with commercial, government, educational, and advocacy groups
in this regard.
I am proficient with Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop,
Quark Xpress, HTML, Sound Forge, Real Media creation tools, Cool
Edit, DDClip multitrack software, and the Microsoft Office suite
of programs (Excel/FrontPage/Power Point/Publisher/Word). I am also
experienced with both Apple Macintosh and Windows operating systems.
Samples of my work are accessible via the links at left.
